Status 04.03.2023 (amended content) - These Articles of Association replace the edition dated 27.04.2020
- 1.1 Under the name "Schweizerischer Verband Ziviler Drohnen (SVZD)", "Fédération Suisse des Drones Civils (FSDC)", "Federatione Svizzera di Droni Civili (FSDC)", abbreviated to "Drohnenverband" and hereinafter referred to as "Verband", there exists an association within the meaning of Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code as well as these Statutes.
- 2.1 The Association is a member of Aerosuisse, the Swiss aviation umbrella association, and is a divisional representative for drones. Together with its members, it is a member of the association and promotes its statutory objectives.
- 3.1 The seat of the Association shall be the City of Berne.
- 4.1 The financial year is the calendar year.
- 5.1 The association shall promote the safety and integration of drones in airspace and their acceptance by the general public and the authorities.
- 5.2 The Association shall promote relations with foreign stakeholders and their organisations.
- 5.3 The Association shall represent the concerns of its members vis-à-vis national and international authorities and organisations.
- 5.4 The Association addresses itself in particular to all pilots, operators and owners of drones as well as their manufacturers and distributors. 5.5 However, the Association also addresses third parties such as institutes and interested parties in the field of drones.
- 6.1 The Association knows the following categories of members: - Juniors (natural persons up to 18 years of age) - Natural persons - Companies and other legal entities
- 6.6 The annual membership fee shall be determined by the General Assembly, with the amount being determined individually for each member category. The membership fee of juniors is lower than that of natural persons. The membership fee of legal entities is higher than that of natural persons. The membership fee must be paid within thirty days of receipt of the invoice. Members who do not pay the membership fee despite a reminder are automatically excluded by the Board. A member who joins in the 4th quarter of the financial year does not have to pay a membership fee for the current year.
- 6.7 The executive committee can exclude members from the association by announcing the reasons. The expelled member may appeal against this decision at the next General Assembly. The appeal has a suspensive effect.
- 6.8 Resigned or expelled members lose any claim to the assets of the Association. However, they owe the membership fee for the current year.
- 6.9 Withdrawal from the Association is possible at the end of a calendar year. The declaration of resignation must be addressed in writing to the Executive Board.
- 6.10 The members of the association are liable for the association's liabilities only to the extent of their annual contribution.
- 7.1 The organs of the Association are: - the General Assembly (AGM) - the Executive Committee - the Secretariat - the Commissions - the Expert Group - the Auditors
- 7.2 The organs of the Association (other than the Office) work on an honorary basis, unless otherwise provided for in the following Articles.
- 7.2.1 Expenses incurred by the governing bodies shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Expenses and Compensation Regulations and within the limits of the budget. The reimbursement of expenses shall take precedence over the reimbursement of expenses.
- 7.2.2 Work for the Association which may take place outside normal working hours shall in principle be performed by all members free of charge.
- 7.2.3 Work for the Association which must take place during normal working hours and takes at least half a day may be compensated.
- 7.2.4 Work for the Association which leads directly to income and is associated with corresponding expenditure of time may be remunerated.
- 7.2.5 Compensation must be requested from the Executive Committee prior to the costs being incurred and must be approved or rejected by the Executive Committee within the budget. Statutes SVZD 30.04.2016 Page 3 of 1 7.2.6 The Executive Committee shall draw up expense and compensation regulations which shall be approved by the AGM.
- 7.2.7 If an office is engaged, it will be charged with clear services and corresponding compensation (business regulations / employment contract). The commitment must be approved in advance by the Board of Directors.
- 8.1 The AGM is the supreme organ of the Association. It meets once a year within three months of the end of the financial year at the invitation of the Executive Board. The invitation shall be sent to the members in electronic form and no later than 6 weeks in advance, stating the agenda. New items on the agenda must be sent in writing to the Executive Board no later than 4 weeks before the AGM. If necessary, the Executive Board will send an amended agenda no later than 2 weeks before the AGM. The executive committee or 1/5 of the members may at any time demand the convening of an extraordinary general meeting stating the purpose.
- 8.2 All decisions shall be taken by simple majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the chairperson of the meeting shall decide. The election of the executive committee, the amendment of the statutes and the dissolution of the association require a two-thirds majority of the present voters.
- 8.2.1 Natural persons present have one vote each. Representations are not permitted.
- 8.2.2 Legal entities are represented by one to three persons from their organs (e.g. owner, managing director, executive employee). Each of these representatives has one vote, so that a legal entity has a maximum of three votes. Representation by persons outside the organisation (proxy) is not permitted.
- 8.3 The following transactions are reserved for the General Meeting:
- 8.3.1 Election of vote counters
- 8.3.4 Approval of the annual report and the annual financial statements after taking note of the audit report; discharge of the Executive Board.
- 8.3.2 Election of the President for a two-year term of office, re-election permitted.
- Election of the remaining members of the Board of Directors for a term of two years, re-election is permissible.
- 8.3.3 Election of auditors for a term of two years, re-election is permitted. 8.3.7 Approval of the budget, membership fees, fees, expenses and compensation regulations.
- 8.3.8 Amendments to the Articles of Association 8.3.9 Resolutions on the exclusion of members.
- Resolutions on further business brought in by the Board of Directors or by members.
- 8.3.10 Resolution on the dissolution of the Association.
- 9.1 The Executive Board consists of four to eight persons. With the exception of the President, the Board of Directors constitutes itself according to the following rules: - One person is president - One person is treasurer (cash management and accounting) - One person is actuary (member administration) - One person is secretary - One person is vice-president - The president may not also be treasurer, actuary or vice-president at the same time (no accumulation of offices). - The functions of Treasurer, Actuary and Secretary shall be distributed among at least two persons (no further accumulation of offices). - There are three or four different area representatives, whereby the three large language regions are to be represented individually. - Area representatives may simultaneously perform other functions (accumulation of offices permitted).
- 9.3 The Board of Directors is responsible for all business that is not expressly reserved to another body by law or the Articles of Association.
- 9.4 The Board of Directors shall issue rules of procedure and regulate the authority to sign.
- 9.5 The Executive Board has a quorum if at least half of its members are present. If no member of the Board of Directors requests oral deliberation, the passing of resolutions by circular letter (including e-mail) shall be valid.
- 10.1 The committees are executive bodies. The Executive Committee or the General Assembly may appoint permanent or ad hoc commissions to investigate and solve specific problems.
- 11.1 The AGM elects two auditors, who are elected for two years. They may be re-elected. The auditors may not be members of the board at the same time. The Auditors report and propose to the Board of Directors for the attention of the General Meeting.
- 12.1 The office shall be appointed by and report to the Executive Board. The tasks, competences and responsibilities are regulated in the business regulations / employment contract.
- 13.1 Revenue consists of a number of items:
- 13.1.1 Membership dues
- 13.1.2 UAV registration fees
- Pilot licensing fees
- 13.1.3 Income from own services and events
- 13.1.4 Third party contributions and sponsoring
- 13.1.5 Interest income
- 14.1 If the association is dissolved, the assets shall go to one or more drone-related organisations to be determined by the General Assembly when the association is dissolved.
- 15.1 The Articles of Association shall be drawn up in several languages; in case of doubt, the German text shall prevail.
- 15.2 The present Articles of Incorporation shall enter into force with the approval of the Annual General Meeting on April 30, 2016.