Code of conduct

The Code of Conduct appeals to professional and respectful treatment of the environment and people. Drone pilots always adhere to the legal regulations and executions As a drone pilot I do not fly without permission:

Correct behaviour with the drone

Drone pilotes always adhere to the statutory provisions and designs
As a dronist, I don't fly without authorization:

  • above crowds,
  • out of sight of the drone and the her surrounding airspace (500 m)
  • closer than 5 km to airfields and helipads,
  • higher than 120 m above ground in controlled airspace
  • no release or drain of objects or fluids

Drone pilotes are professional
As a dronist:

  • I log all my flights,
  • I record all incidents,
  • I'm wearing recognizable clothing
  • I fence off the takeoff and landing point as required,
  • I get a pilot licence and register my drones.

Drone pilotes fly safe
As a dronist, I fly safely because:

  • my flights are well planned and organized,
  • my drone and the ground station are carefully maintained,
  • my knowledge and skills always meet the requirements of operation,
  • my drone and the ground station have enough energy,
  • my procedures and checklists are completely processed.

Drone pilotes are attentive
As a dronist, I attend:

  • to other airspace users and fly an evasion maneuver timely,
  • to sources of interferences (power lines, mobile phone base stations, railway lines, radio relay systems, etc.),
  • on permanent and temporary no-fly zones (SFCD-MAP and DABS)
  • on the weather as well as on the solar weather,
  • on the environment, that spontaneously takes interest and form temporary crowds,
  • to third parties who do not want to be filmed nor disturbed, especially in private areas,
  • on animals and the environment, who should not be disturbed, irritated or stressed.

Version 1.2 - 12.06.2023

Map of the Federal Office for Civil Aviation

Where can I fly everywhere?

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation will show you the zones with restrictions for model aircraft and drones and the official aeronautical map of Switzerland.