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Online Shop of the SFCD

Advertisement at SFCD

Online Shop of the SFCD

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The following conditions apply:

  • Cost: Members CHF 30.00 for 3 months/non-members CHF 50.00 for 3 months.
  • Only 1 offer per company and term possible
  • offers must be related to drones/photography/film/mapping/rescue or similar content
  • a link (homepage), a logo, a picture as well as 2000 characters (incl. spaces) are possible
  • Texts can be supplied in several languages. Missing languages will be translated by machine
  • the offer will be placed at position 1 when it is placed and will be moved back one place with each additional placement.
  • the advertisement will only be placed after receipt of payment.

send the documents (picture, text) to with the subject advertisement. When booking the advertisement again, the data does not have to be sent again.

Map of the Federal Office for Civil Aviation

Where can I fly everywhere?

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation will show you the zones with restrictions for model aircraft and drones and the official aeronautical map of Switzerland.